Posts Tagged ‘Windows 10’

Problem mapping drive from host to VirtualBox VM…

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

For a few days ago Microsoft release a new big update for Windows 10. After the update my share of my host machine didn´t work to my Windows 10 VM. I looked around a lot on internet. But to conclude the simple solution was just to reinstall the Guestaddition in windows and reboot and all worked as it should again. Adding this post and hope it will help someone else.

Setup Cisco VPN client in Windows 10…

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

This post describes in short how to install the old Cisco VPN client in Windows 10.

DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility if something of this steps brakes anything. See what you have a recent backup first!.

Step 1
First close all applications.

Step 2
Now run winfix.exe can be found here.

Step 3
Now run the installer for the Dell SonicWall VPN client file found here. (This needs to be installed to get the client to work.)

Step 4
Now install the Cisco VPN client software vpnclient-winx64-msi- by unpacking the exe and run vpnclient_setup.msi.

Step 5
Now start regedit as an administrator and go to the below path and locate key:Display Name


Change it to below value

Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows

Step 6
Now reboot the computer to finish up.

Now all should work fine after this steps. Let me know if something is not working and maybe i can help solv it.